Caudate passage in my band interview


Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
So my band is being interviewed by a Scottish zine, and they asked us what interesting things we were doing outside the band, here is my answer:

J – Hehe, this is where I will get some flack: As obscure and bizarre as it might be, I am an amphibian enthusiast. While it is now very common for people to keep reptiles for pet, and some people keep Axolotls and Dart Frogs when it comes to Amphibians I am fascinated by newts and salamanders. Those animals are unique, and maybe because they mainly come from temperate climates, and have got difficult needs in captivity, few people keep them, but I love ‘em. In my basement, you will find a series of tanks housing 2 Banded Fire Salamander Salamandra salamandra terrestris, 5 Marbled Newt Triturus marmoratus, 11 Himalayan Crocodile Newts Tylototriton verrucosis and 1 European Green Toad Bufo viridis. I could go on and on about them, but a punk rock zine is maybe not the best place for this. On the subject, I’d like to add that all my animals are captive bred in the UK, so my love for them does not contribute to deplete the wild populations. If by any chance any of the people reading this are thinking about keeping exotic pets, please make sure you purchase captive breed animals, not parasite loaded, stressed wild caught animals which will likely die shortly and the commerce of which is lining the pockets of unscrupulous people.
Very nice Aramcheck, it´s a pleasure to read such good advice too.
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