Can you use prazi pro with newts?


New member
Jun 24, 2009
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United States
I am wondering if prazi Pro, an anti fluke medication i use on fry, will have any negatives on my baby red spotted newts?
I must ask this, but why do you think you need to use it? Ampibians are usually medicated on a case by case basis so I would recommend you take him to a vet first if you suspect some kind of parasite infestation.
We have had much discussion in the past on the use of dewormers like fenbendazole, praziquantel and others, truth be told, there is very little valid documentation on the use of these substances on caudates.

My suggestion is my number one rule of animal husbandry:

"When in doubt, leave it out."

But more importantly why would you want to use it in the first place?
Thanks guys. For the record I am using prazi pro at 3/4 tsp for 10 gallons. And for a full 7 days. There seems to be no problems AND there are crystal shrimp in the treatment as well. I am de-fluking the tank because it had flukes in it. I do not know much about the specifics on salamanders, (now i know they come from fire):lol: the prazi might be bad on other more delicate species!??? What I would like to know is if you can use it on Axolotls. For I would like to raise an axolotl some day. thanks I :love: Prazi Pro! And yes there is not enough info about these treatments on line. Even for fish and shrimp it is very vauge.
What kind of 'flukes'? Are you sure they're not planaria?

The thing is salamanders are not fish. Using fish medication on salamanders can (and sometimes does) kill them.
Does planaria make you fry flash?
I am using prazi pro on BABY newts. {Red spotted salamanders}. They have their full gills out and so I do not think they breathe through their skin yet?? If used on an adult aquatic salamander the prazi could possibly be different and a problem. I just wanted to clarify the newts are young. So far if used as directed Prazi pro seems to be harmless on most snails, shrimp,scaleless fish and fry. It is a wonderful de-fluker. It is also a great de-wormer. :blob:
Larvae are more sensitive than adults, not less. They still have permeable skin.

I'm also failing to see why you think your larvae have flukes. Is it because your fish fry have flukes? If so, why are they in the same tank?
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