Can you Freeze Night Crawlers?


New member
May 12, 2017
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United States
Hi Again! I was wondering, can you freeze night crawlers? A few stores around me do typically have worms all year long, however, I was considering getting some and freezing some (individually then once frozen put them all in a bag) just in case I forget to pick some up or the stores are out when I go during the winter. I didn't know how well they would thaw out. Just looking for ideas to feed them. I do have pellets but one refuses to eat them and the other two I hand feed but they still prefer me to hand feed them their worms lol. Thanks in advance :happy:
You can't. They will turn into mush and it will stink like nothing you've ever smelled before.
ah ok, that's a bummer. I am glad I asked first! Thanks!
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