Going from the experiences of Molly's siblings (not the ones I raised), they were brought up (200 of them) in a 4ft/ 50gal tank with massive amounts of blackworms.
The things I guess you'd have to look out for are how you're going to get food to them- baby brine shrimp die and decay very quickly, so something like blackworms or daphnia would most likely be your best bet (so your water doesn't start swinging crazily), but you still need to have a good concentration of food for them to find with ease-something I fret about for my new hatchlings (so far 4 of them- three more still in their eggs!), and they're on gut loaded microworms (which stay alive for at least 24 hours) in a 30 by 30cm square container only 3cm of water deep...
Hopefully someone who's raised dozens of times will now chime in with some further info on how to best do it