Can C. orientalis juveniles go without food for a week?



I am going to a wedding and celebration in New Orleans, Louisiana Thursday and will be back either Tuesday and Wendsday. My salamanders and frogs in the basement will be okay but the Chinese Fire-belly Newts in my room, I am not so sure about. They are juveniles at 7 cm long and I don't want them to starve to death. Should I leave a few worms in their exhibit? Will they go very long without food like my other sals do. I thought I read that I am supposed to feed them every day. I need help.
If you can get a hold of some springtails they are a good food source that can live in the tank with the newts. You do have to keep a food source in the tank for the springtails like dog food kibble or fish food, but I think in your situation they would work very well. I don't, however, know where you can purchase a culture, as I got mine from a fellow newt enthusiast when I purchased some juvies from her. Good Luck!
Thanks alot. I know of a place in my neighbor hood park where they thrive. Hopefully I'll get a few but they are pretty small though and my newts don't like to hunt food. I have been hand feeding them ever since I got them. I hope this works. Thanks again.
If they are well fed before you leave, they should be OK for a week. If they are good eaters, you might be able to feed them twice per day before you leave. If you move them to the basement, this will lower their metabolism and this would also help.
Hi Cameron, I changed your thread title from simply "Help!" in order to show what the thread is about

(Message edited by TJ on January 04, 2007)
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