Can a snail eat newts?



can a snail eat an algae eater or a newt? i have three CFBs an algie eater and a snail. i asked for the big snail, thinking it would be about an inch and its really the size of a crab apple. its huge. but suddenly the algae eater and the skinny, didnt eat for a while cause he was sick, newt are no where in sight. if it wasnt the snail, it had to have been my sisters cat. i'm looking forward to finding peices of fish and newt and smacking that cat's booty across all 50 states.
Look around for the remains. Possibly the newt and the algae eater(which is no use anyway) died and then were consumed by the snail.

I'd reccomend returning that snail. Based on size its likely Pomacea canaliculata(more at and adds a lot of bioload and needs lots of food. Not to mention what may happen should it die........
i dont see any remains anywhere. they just dissapeared off the face of the aquarium. and what will happen when it dies???
if it dies it will cause a nitrite/ammonia spike in your tank the likes of which will most likly kill the other inhabitants.
Do you have a lid on your tank...It doesnt sound that way if your cat is a suspect...They could have got out...The newt that is...
Well, the snail could escape too(crawl up the glass...they lay eggs out of water), only its less likely to survive the fall.

Yeah, I bet the newt escaped.
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