Well, I’m still a novice at photography so much of it is trail or error. None of the above were taken with a tripod although I do have tripods of various sizes. I’m sure that if I used one I could get more clarity to the picture but when the subject matter is likely to move it becomes a struggle to get the correct positioning with a tripod. The top two photos were taken with no flash and an electric light above, hence the orange glow. When indoors flash-less photography becomes hit or miss depending on the shutter speed required to light the subject. Low light requires a slower the shutter speed and therefore more chance your picture will blur (unless you have a tripod). The others were all taken using a flash. For me a flash works best when there is no angle between the camera and the subject. Any angle and light will bounce, ruining the picture. One of the joys of a digital camera is that you can experiment until you find something that works. I have lots to learn but it’s a fun process.
Edit - Mods: feel free to move this post to the photo technique area...
(Message edited by aartse_tuyn on February 23, 2006)