The lack of red coloration is not a problem. Some people consider it an integral part of the species´s appearance and so want their CB animals to look just right xD Others simply offer a diet rich enough that the larvae develop the color anyway, whitout any extra effort.
All in all, there doesn´t seem to be any evidence that lacking the coloration has any effect on the newt´s health. It simply means there aren´t enough carotenes in their diet to accumulate in the xantophores of the skin, but probably enough to remain healthy (some of these compounds are vitamins).
Joost is right, there is a big misconception regarding bloodworms and red coloration. While they do have some carotenes, it´s a tiny proportion, not quite enough to make a significant impact. The deep red color of bloodworms comes from haemoglobin which has absolutely no value for caudate coloration.
Canthaxantine and any other commercial powder provide great results, and very fast if used in the right moment, but should be used carefully. There is a risk of overdosing with any commercial powder. The risk with canthaxantine seems to be low, but there are other products which use other carotenes (like vitamin A) that can be really dangerous and cause liver damage among other things.