C. orientalis larvae probs...



recently, I aquired 2 small c.o. larvae.
they had been living of greenwater all summer. and din't die..

1 was in ok condition, but the other had some weird problems. Such as smimming odd, and not being able to stay balenced on its feet.

Anuways, the "sick" 1 died about 2 weeks ago. Now I am worried that the other 1 is starving.. (actually, I never saw them really eat) I don't have blackworms or daphina, but I do have bbs and bloodworms (frozen). the 1 I have now is aprox 2 cm- 1 inch long, he has all 4 legs and shows no sign of morphing, what should I do. Not worry, and keep giving it bloodworms and bbs, or something else..?

Any answers are VERY helpful..

You may try to hand feed it frozen bloodworm. Try to simulate the movement of a swimming bloodworm to increase it's appetite.

You should start preparing for land food as well.
Thanx ian,

But It is afraid of the blood worms, its weird.. Also, It is showing no signs of morphing, as I said before, but if u think I should start prepairing food now I will get started on it..
! more question Ian, what foods should I get going, fruit flys springtails, or what. Also where can I get these things..?I live in washington, so.. ya.

Thanx again Ian.

What kind of container are you keeping it in? I would say keep trying with the bloodworms. Hold a single bloodworm (or a few) with tweezers, and move very slowly toward the larva. The trick is to get close without scaring it away. The unsteadiness of your hand will probably produce enough movement to make it look alive. You can try the same thing with TINY bits of earthworm too.

What happened to your green water? If it's still around, it could provide some food. I'm sure the larvae were not eating the green water itself, but were feeding on other micro-organisms in there.
Hi jennifer,

Actually, Samonella raised them, she gave me the newts only, not the green water.. It has been disposed of tho, so no luck there. I have treid feeding it in the way u described but I am afreid that I think it is sfraid of my steel forceps,(what I use to hold the food)and swimms away franticly if I get with in 2 inches of it.

Curently, the larva is in a small 15by15 cm and 3cm deep container. It is in the 3 cm of water..

Thanx for ur feed back.. Should I try using something else, and if so what? thanx again.

The surest bet would be to find a source of live blackworms, though I realize not every town has them. If you have the equipment to hatch some BBS, use that. Beyond that, you just have to keep trying the bloodworms (with and with the forceps).

Do you have an aquarium that has been running for a while? If so, you could put a bit of tank mulm (the brown crud that settles down under the gravel) and put it in with the larva. Mulm is usually crawling with tiny micro-organisms, although at this point, the larva may be too big for those. Or do you have a pond near you where you could get some micro-orgs?
Actually. do you think it is big enough for bloodworm yet? Is the larvae still too small?

I think Brime Shrimp is the best way to do it. I just hope that it won't be too starved for it when it is ready.
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