C. orientalis a few pics



these were requested. both are of the same male-he is one of the gray ones and i know his eyes are a bit blue but they have always been like that.

here is a close up that shows off the lateral line pores that are in pairs
Is his tail really that short? If so, I would call it stumpy.

If not, do you think you could take a shot of his tail stretched out straight? Then, we need someone with a shot of a female tail...
Nice, Paris. It's really a shame we don't have any pics available of C.orientalis habitats and regional variations and all. I've done some searching on Chinese-language websites but failed to come up with much there either. I guess one of these days I'll have to make my own field trip there. If anybody wants to beat me too it, be my guest! As long as you deliver the goods

(Message edited by TJ on June 17, 2004)
Regional variations? Unless all the newts in the US are coming from one place(and thus whatever subspecies there is being severely depleted) I doubt there are any subs. I would love to find one with lots of orange on its back like the pic you posted thoug. I spose you could buy the ones with a few spots here are there on there arms, back, or tail and breed those.
Yeah, I really don't know much about C.orientalis so I don't know whether there are any "races" as in the case of C.pyrrhogaster or subspecies as in the case of C.ensicauda. Nate might know. But I would think that considering the sheer size of the area they are known to inhabit, there must be some genetic variability. Whether this manifests itself in their external morphology is what I was wondering. There are those that are more grayish than blackish, for instance.
Might as well answer here, but I'm kinda surprised they(C. p) swim in the wild. IME(VERY limited) C. orientalis only swims if attempting to find land(very erractic and fast...as if they were going to drown) or going up to breath(once again fast). Perhaps C. o packs less toxin and therefore spends more time hiding down at the bottom in the wild. Or maybe they don't have the room to do it. It does mention in C C that the newts were"Always active and darting around near the surface"
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