Hello, I'm new to the forum and I'm keeping two fire-bellied newts in rather imperfect conditions. So I'm hoping you guys can offer me some tips to better my keeping of them. Right now, I have two in about a ten gallon tank, which is quite densely planted in one area, with sand (which is not very fine). On the other half, there is swimming and feeding area, and it only has a single plastic plant and a coconut husk hide.
The waters are kept cool, but I don't know how cool, which is an issue. Please advice me on which sort of thermometers I can use to measure the temperature.
Although consistently fed with frozen blood worms, my newts remain thin, until I recently came back with some live tubifex for them, but they are now thin again. How do I maintain the weight of these newts, is there any indication of whether they are fat/thin? I have also somehow managed to find live tubifex in the tank today from the meal last week, do these affect water quality? What kind of filter would be suitable for firebellies? How does acidity affect the newts?
Clearly, I am far from being a good owner and thus I thank you for all the help I can get.
The waters are kept cool, but I don't know how cool, which is an issue. Please advice me on which sort of thermometers I can use to measure the temperature.
Although consistently fed with frozen blood worms, my newts remain thin, until I recently came back with some live tubifex for them, but they are now thin again. How do I maintain the weight of these newts, is there any indication of whether they are fat/thin? I have also somehow managed to find live tubifex in the tank today from the meal last week, do these affect water quality? What kind of filter would be suitable for firebellies? How does acidity affect the newts?
Clearly, I am far from being a good owner and thus I thank you for all the help I can get.