C Firebelly feeding routine


New member
Jul 8, 2009
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West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Hi, i recently posted a topic asking for help on my tank, i was going to approach breeders but a friend has contacted me and offered to give me his 3 chinese firebellys (they are young adults.)

Ive been looking at care sheets, and have been exploring this site for some time now in preperation for my new arrivals (i thought i would be getting very young newts from a breeder) but i can't find any real detail on how to feed adult cfbn's, the care sheet tells me what to feed them but nothing else! -How much do each newt eat? do they feed on land?

If anyone could talk me through their feeding routine then that would be fantastic!!
Hey there,
I usually just either drop the frozen bloodworm cube in the tank or I use forceps.
I have also seen some people putting food in a clear little jar and putting it in the newts tank then the newts find the food eventually.

Hope things turn out right for you!

I am not so neat when it comes to feeding. If the newts are aquatic I put the food (blackworms, frozen bloodworms, or earthworms) right in the tank. I have a bare area or a small dish to somewhat contain the food and prevent it from scattering (which happens anyways). You can also handfeed your newts, usually with a forceps. On land you can use the same method, either plop it right in front of them, hand feed them, or use a dish.

I personally like handfeeding if I have time, it makes beggers out of your newts and you know how much they are eating. This is slow process and takes some time. Patience is required.

But how many worms do average newt eat? im just trying to get an idea so i can judge if they are eating right or not.

Well for me,
I give both my Cynops Orientalis 1 square of frozen blood worms (1 block for both of them).
Also if I don't have Blood worms i feed them 1 half of a earth worm each.

Hope this helps.
Does your friend have them eating well? If so, try to do whatever he/she is doing. What you feed them may depend on whether they are spending their time in the water or on land. They will feed on land, but it's more difficult.

I would say you should first find out WHAT they will eat (and where), then think about how much. Usually the "how much" question is figured out by trial and error. Be sure to remove uneaten food promptly.
Well for me,
I give both my Cynops Orientalis 1 square of frozen blood worms (1 block for both of them).
Also if I don't have Blood worms i feed them 1 half of a earth worm each.

Hope this helps.

Hi Frank, I know this is an old post I just didn't want to repeat the same topic.... How often are you feeding your cynops this amount? I just bought three today and haven't kept newts for about 10 years now so can't remember if its every other day or more?

Or if anyone else can confirm for me that'd be great - feeding everyday is too much? Every other day is best? I know I should have asked the man in the aquatic store I guess I was just over excited!!

I put hamster food bowls in their tank and I put food in there as well as hand feed them. Feed them every 2-3 days (maybe keep the same schedule as your friend had already). Give them a mixed variety of foods to eat. Two of mine tend to ignore everything and just eat the blood worm; if they are hand fed they will eat the other stuff.

My aquatic male is the most varied eater; I introduced daphnia to him the other day; he wasn's impressed and wouldn't eat a lot of it but yesterday he was wolfing it down. His favourite is brine shrimp - he likes the worms but as he's aquatic they hang out of his mouth and stick to his chin so he spends more time trying to wipe it off. He is a pain but I love him :).
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