Nice observation about the bellies, Joseph.
As for the existance/nonexistance of a bluish tail sheen within these two subspecies, I've read this is similarly the case with
Neurergus in that
N. strauchii males develop such a sheen while
N. crocatus males don't. Can anybody confirm this and come up with any more intraspecific examples?
Jen, I didn't pull that photo from an archive but took it specifically for this occasion
...which was easy as these newts are
always begging for food at the front of the glass.
Here's one I've had since November 2002. Not a pretty sight as her skin is covered with discolorations or lesions or whatever they are, but she's had them for at least 4 years now and at least acts healthy. The discolorations do seem to have spread over time, which worries me.
(Message edited by TJ on November 08, 2006)