Buying A second hand tank (with all the things that are needed) and am worried about what to do


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Aug 23, 2011
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The Shire (Sydney)
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Caity :)
I have never had a tank before and I am buying a second hand one that comes with everything necessary for it to run.

I have never had any tank before however and am hugely worried I will do something wrong or will hurt my axolotls.

I am getting the tank in about 5 days, and am looking for axolotls now, I read that you have to run the tank through a cycle before you can add the animal though.

I was just wondering what a cycle is, how long it will take and ANY other information about fishtanks at all will be useful.

I have been doing a lot of reading, but most sites assume some sort of background knowledge.
google the nitrogen cycle, or how to cycle a fish tank. It's the process of converting wastes the axolotl produces that will be harmful to it, to a relatively harmless toxin. You need an ammonia source and about 6 weeks to cycle.
Every bit of info you need is here on this site. If you cant find it just ask and someone will be able to help.
You will need
a tank
a filter(low flow axies hate fast flowing water)
turkey baster for cleaning
testing kits( ammonia, nitrate and nitrite)
plants fake or real your choice
declorinator (I use Pime).
Love of love to give:D

Where are you in Oz???? Im in brisbane and I have some baby axies that need a loving home....
Hi there! Welcome to the forum :happy:.

I would start with this water quality article first: Caudata Culture Articles - Water Quality and then read this cycling article: Caudata Culture Articles - Cycling (included in this article is a wonderful little picture diagram that explains the cycling process to a tea).

After reading the articles, please feel free to ask any questions you may have.
Sorry, I'm in Sydney, otherwise I would LOVE some of your baby axies!! The fishtank I am buying has all those things included, (although I am a bit confused about what to do with the turkey baster!) and i def know about the no gravel! I have been talking to Sarah a.k.a. The banana on this site and she has told me which sand she buys.

The reason I am confused is on some of the sites i have read about cycling or the nitrate cycle, some say you can put your fish/axolotl in and THEN start the cycle, and others say to do a cycle first.

I was also wondering, since I am buying the tank second hand, how should I clean/disinfect it?

thank you all so much I think I'm just getting pre-parents jitters hee hee
Hope you find good homes for the little 'lotls, Lea!

You can cycle with or without axolotls. With them, they give you an ammonia source, but you have to stay VERY ontop of the water, with daily waterchanges, etc.. as tank parameters can easily reach toxic levels during cycling.
Without them, you need an ammonia source, but I prefer this way. Some use 'starter fish' for this, fish food, have read about a prawn from the deli, etc.

As for cleaning the tank, when I got my axie tank (second hand, had 10yrs worth of mold on it.. NEEDED a good clean!!!) I scrubed it with white vinegar, rinse rinse rinse. Then very salty water. Rinse a lot more. Then it was left in the sun for a few days. I had to repeat this, as it was so filthy, but I don't think you would have to.
Many people use dilated bleach, but I'm too scared to try that.. just in case (very toxic to aquatic life).
To clean the tank you could use a mixture of water and vinegar, make sure you rinse it well tho. The turkey baster is to do spot cleaning of the tank like cleaning up left over food and poop......
You are able to cycle a tank with your axie in but you have to test the water daily as well as daily water changes.

Make sure you post some photos of your axies when you get them.
Thank you so much guys! (especially for the turkey baster information, I've read numerous times that i NEEDED one, but couldnt figure out what for!

Finally, my last question is, on a lot of the sites they say you need to treat tap water, but most of these were american, so I was just wondering if you still need to treat Australian tap water and if so, do you need to do more then let it sit for a day, or do you have to add something?

Thanks again!
I always treat my water just to be safe......
@banana....Im sure I will fine some homes for them. thanks
Thank you so much guys! (especially for the turkey baster information, I've read numerous times that i NEEDED one, but couldnt figure out what for!

Finally, my last question is, on a lot of the sites they say you need to treat tap water, but most of these were american, so I was just wondering if you still need to treat Australian tap water and if so, do you need to do more then let it sit for a day, or do you have to add something?

Thanks again!
Yep you still need to treat your water. The product you will need 'Prime' is a dechlorinator which as it sounds, removes chlorine and chloramines from the water, making our tap water safe for aquatic life.

In some cases, depending on your local water, further treatment may be required. :)

Hope this helps!
Yep you still need to treat your water. The product you will need 'Prime' is a dechlorinator which as it sounds, removes chlorine and chloramines from the water, making our tap water safe for aquatic life.

In some cases, depending on your local water, further treatment may be required. :)

Hope this helps!
Oh and the leaving it stand for 24 hours is another method of dechlorinating (without the chemical) as the chlorine will evaporate out of the water as the water stands. :)
I just ordered a bottle of prime (along with a whole lot of water tester for ammonia, pH, nitrate and nitrite + some axie food) and I am feeling a lot better about the whole thing. (that set me back about $100)

I'm going to Bunnings this afternoon to buy some sand for my tank, some pvc piping and some stuff for my worm farm! (which I am hoping will be a bit cheaper!)

Just so I can give some info back to all you lovely people, i am buying my worms (from what ca tel this is the cheapest and best site, with a huge variety so my axies dont get bored!) from compost worms, worm farm, delivered Australia wide

Thank you SO MUCH for all your help guys!

Now i just have to wait until Wednesday for my tank!

I am so excited and impatient hee hee, I just can not wait to own these wonderful creatures :) :)
Im excited for you. Make sure you post some pictures:D. we love pictures
I picked up the axies and started cycling yesterday! (I also got my worm farm yesterday!)

Two gulped down a worm this morning after my 20% water change! (my albino is still a bit shy)

I'm keeping a very close eye on the parameters of all the things I need to and it all seems fine!

When the water clears a bit I will def post some pictures in the gallery section!
congratulations!!! you must be excited :)

My sand came from bunnings and it took AGES to settle.

your shy one sounds cute! My wild type was super shy at first but after a few weeks she turned into the biggest social cuttie. She sever stops bugging me for food, and swimming with me as i walk bye.

I also cycled my tank with the axolotls in, and t didn't take too long because they pooped a lot! Just keep on top of water quality and it will be cycled in no time at all
Pics of the trio are now up in the gallery section under my little BLT :)

I was also just wondering, how do you know when your tank has cycled/is done cycling and you can stop the water changes?

Atm, i'm doing 2 water changes a day, but that is going to change tomorrow when im (hopefully) only going to be doing one!

Thanks all!
I'm curious as to the answer to that too.. I am currently cycling a little 2 footer for my babies and they cant wait to go in it! :)
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