bufo bufo in the garage


Dec 29, 2006
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Newcastle England
United Kingdom
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just found an inch/2 inch bufo bufo in my girlfriends garage, i wanted to maybe keep it as a pet for a while. I think some soil with a wet/dry gradient, some dead leaves and moss, keep it moist, feed him earth worms. Do you agree?
any thoughts/advice anyone?
you can keep it as you suggest but add a piece of cork bark or something for a hide so he feels secure. They make good pets and earth worms are a good food for them.
Big Toads


All sounds fine to me. One thing I would say is that Bufo bufo dont actually like it 'really' moist, in fact if anything they prefer a cool but fairly dry place to hide and then with an evening sprinkle of water they will venture out for food.

I am lucky enough to have many in my garden (Naturally....no action of mine!) and nearly all of them 'house' themselves in 'damp' (Rather than moist) dark, cool places.

They are fabulous animals and are probably one of the easiest to tame.

Good luck, and if you need any advice...just shout!

buf the toad

Thanks people, I wont keep him forever, he'll get too big, but should be nice for a while though. I would love for them to be in my parents garden, but we just have silly amounts of frogs. There has been a toad once in my childhood and used to be breeding smooth newts, now I just find the odd one,,, pfft, frogs, they're so.. ,,,, common!
These dudes are my favorite of all the toads. They are not colorful or even desireable to many folks but I find that with time and attention they develope the neatest little personalities. They will climb into your hand and eat slugs from your fingers. They also look at you and it seems like they have something behind their eyes. I wish I had more of them where I live now.
hungry buf

My bufo bufo hasn't (to my knowledge) eaten anything yet.
I've had him at least 2 weeks and he seems as healthy and fat as when I first found him.

The routine is:
Spray the dead leaves/piece of peeled ucaliptis bark with spray, he then emerges from the leaves looking proud and ready to feast but,,, when I dangle a worm in front of him he doesnt want it.
I do this every other night or more.
I know amphibians can go quite long periods without food but if it persists longer I will have to set him free, which I really dont want to do yet.
How long can a bufo bufo go without food?
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try just droping the worm infront of him about 2 inches thats how my american toads eat, they wont eat from my hand/tweezer yet
yeah try just dropping the worms in view. my tomato frog which has very toad like mannerisms will tweezer feed, but prefers to eat at his own pace. i'll drop some worms about 2inches away from his face. if hungry he'll quickly show interest at their movements eat the ones close by and hunt the few that wriggle away. you may want to use a clean flat plastic lid from tupperware/food container that will contrast with the substrate so the worm movements are more noticeable. also the lid will keep from the substrate from sticking to the worms and ingestion of substrate from lunging. if you plan on keeping the toad this is a good way to tame them to since they will learn to recognize the contrasting dish with food.
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