Question: Brine shrimp quandary net breeder


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Dec 16, 2014
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Northwest Coast
United States
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I have 9 hatchlings 1/2" and less.

I have them in a net breeder in a 20 gallon tank, in the next breeder so I can feed them and keep track of them.
I tried giving them live SFB brine shrimp and they all went right through the net before they could be eaten. I feed them hydrated decapsulated eggs now and they eat fine when the eggs drop right in front of them using a small pipette.

They eat well and are growing, I can see it in the bellies of the albinos and I can see full bellies on the others.

I want to feed live but I have no clue how to accomplish this without moving them to a much smaller tank. Are the regular BBS large enough not to fall through the net?
I think I may need to ask one question I haven't read about or simlpy don't recall.

What size container does one keep the hatchling in to feed them until they get big enough to move to the 20 gallon?
If you're only raising nine, you can keep them in a shoebox sized food storage container with room to spare for now. Just do daily water changes, and you may need to separate them by size as they get bigger. I kept mine in the 64oz Glad brand deep dish containers. At 1/2", I had about 10 per container, at 1" I had 5 per container, and by the time I sold them at 3" I was keeping two per container. I just split them as they started to look crowded, using size to decide which ones to match into a group. I would hold off on the 20gal until they reach a couple inches.
Thank you, I will transfer then into a smaller container that doesn't allow the live food to escape. I may use 2 because 2 of the hatchlings have grown faster.
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1