I had my C.o.s turn on a small, about 1 inch gold fish. The fish must have came in as an egg on a plant from the pond store, and managed to evade both my notice and my newts' notice for the early part of its development. Once I found it during a water change, I expected the newts to eat it at some point, but they waited till it grew nice and large and I was about to remove it. Then I go on vacation, and come back to find golden scales scattered across the gravel. The water was shallow, so I think this gave the newts manuverability advantage. What ever the case the newts ate the whole fish, bones, guts, and everything else except for the scales. I'm sure new born guppies would be eaten, but you have to make sure the that the fish haven't been exposed to any parasites that would be foriegn to your newts.