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Disclaimer: I've been lurking on the site for a while now -- what a great site! I really appreciate all of the information available here. If it would be more appropriate to split this thread or post elsewhere, please let me know! I realize that the number of questions in this thread may be a little annoying, and I apologize in advance for my writing. I assume my questions/concerns are nothing new, so if it's all been asked before I won't be surprised in the slightest
but would really appreciate people pointing me in the right direction. I've tried to break things down by category... I am very interested in learning more about other people's experiences in hopes of becoming better steward for these fascinating animals, but I also welcome any data/studies that may be available on these subjects as well.
Introduction: Hi there. :wacko: I have three wonderful Chinese Fire Belly newts, and was recently blessed with my first batch of eggs. Admittedly it happened much earlier than I had intended (though it was part of my long-term vision for my life with newts); shortly after my two males came out of quarantine my female starting laying eggs (and without any temperature conditioning or anything). Honestly I was a little surprised because my new additions seem so young, but now I am seeing that this is a relatively common tale and am very disappointed in myself for not being better prepared. So... I'm looking for advice, and lots of it! I apologize for my newbie-ness, and thank everyone in advance for their time, resources, help and consideration!
Breeding: Broadly I have noted that the recommendation is to separate the eggs from the adults for the safety of the eggs/larvae. I am inclined to follow this recommendation as soon as my tank is ready, as I am quite new to all of this and am excited about the possibility of rearing some newts from egg (and in thinking about all the variables in care, it does seem that isolating them would almost make things easier). I have setup a tank to transfer the eggs into standing by.
In the time it has taken for me to read up on raising eggs, I haven't noted any being eaten in the adult tank, though it is definitely possible I am not seeing everything that's going on. Some of the eggs appear to be very near the hatching point (as compared to the C.P. photos in article section of CC), so I am getting really worried about next steps. My plan is to make the swap over today, since my water should be ready to go now. However, I have read several references to C. Pyrrogaster larvae, for example, being successfully reared with adults. I understand that they are substantially different than C.O., but was curious about the experience people have had with C. Orientalis in this same situation. I am also interested in any tips for reintroducing the larvae into the primary tank at an appropriate size or in the post-terrestrial stage.
I plan to order some bacopa to add to the haul-out to encourage try to better use of the land section, if the newts so desired. They can easily access the land now, but I think they will enjoy it more with the type of transitional cover these plants provide.
They do very well together at feeding time and everyone can eat together peacefully without bickering, though the gray male does try to get more than his fair share. I handfeed though, so am not really concerned about it (the little one eats much slower, so I decided to regulate in this manner). I know of other people who haven't had this luck with their C.O. -- this has left me wondering why this might be.
Well, thanks a ton for taking the time to read all of this. I'll probably have a lot more questions, but I thought this was plenty to start with (don't want to use up all of the goodwill of the community with the first post).
I'm sure some of my signals have gotten crosses as I'm crunching through information trying to figure things out and I know I've got a lot going on in this post, but I am very eager to get a better handle on this situation. I really appreciate any feedback you can offer on these topics, and thank you in advance for sharing your experiences and expertise -- my newts thank you too! :wacko: Take care!
:smile: Julie
Introduction: Hi there. :wacko: I have three wonderful Chinese Fire Belly newts, and was recently blessed with my first batch of eggs. Admittedly it happened much earlier than I had intended (though it was part of my long-term vision for my life with newts); shortly after my two males came out of quarantine my female starting laying eggs (and without any temperature conditioning or anything). Honestly I was a little surprised because my new additions seem so young, but now I am seeing that this is a relatively common tale and am very disappointed in myself for not being better prepared. So... I'm looking for advice, and lots of it! I apologize for my newbie-ness, and thank everyone in advance for their time, resources, help and consideration!
Breeding: Broadly I have noted that the recommendation is to separate the eggs from the adults for the safety of the eggs/larvae. I am inclined to follow this recommendation as soon as my tank is ready, as I am quite new to all of this and am excited about the possibility of rearing some newts from egg (and in thinking about all the variables in care, it does seem that isolating them would almost make things easier). I have setup a tank to transfer the eggs into standing by.
In the time it has taken for me to read up on raising eggs, I haven't noted any being eaten in the adult tank, though it is definitely possible I am not seeing everything that's going on. Some of the eggs appear to be very near the hatching point (as compared to the C.P. photos in article section of CC), so I am getting really worried about next steps. My plan is to make the swap over today, since my water should be ready to go now. However, I have read several references to C. Pyrrogaster larvae, for example, being successfully reared with adults. I understand that they are substantially different than C.O., but was curious about the experience people have had with C. Orientalis in this same situation. I am also interested in any tips for reintroducing the larvae into the primary tank at an appropriate size or in the post-terrestrial stage.
- How do C.P. and C.O.'s compare personality-/behavior-wise?
- Will separating the C.O.'s eggs/larvae from the adults give me the best results?
- Aside from the keeper's convenience re: water and space considerations, is there any benefit to rearing the young with adults?
- Are there any disadvantages in separating the eggs/larvae?
- How prevalent is C.O. eating their young? Eggs? Larvae? Morphs?
- Would it have been better to start the new tank from the water in the primary tank and than do the 50% water changes daily from there? I've been so worried about getting "ready" that it just occurred to me that my "fresh" water may not be the best choice here.
- Is it more common to remove eggs immediately or to wait until close to the larvae hatching?
- Is this a choice that can be made based on the personality/behavior of the parent(s)? If so, what are some indicators?
- Are males and females equally as likely to eat their offspring? Have people had experience removing males, but keeping the female in with the larvae habitat?
- I am having a hard time imagining how one might achieve the type of environment described in the rearing article in a mixed setup (e.g., shallower water, lots of access to land to morphs). Does anyone have pictures/experience with providing a good habitat for both larvae and adults (or even all three--larvae, terrestrial and adult stages)?
- Does the tank enviroment play a role in how successful this is (e.g., providing java moss to increase hiding places, larger tank size, etc)?
- Does the diet of the adults have any bearing on this (e.g., variety of foods, live vs frozen diet, etc)?
- Does age of parents and/or past breeding experience play a role?
- When larvae are reared with adults, what considerations are neccessary for safe filtration?
- How is feeding time approached in these habitats? I assume you need to feed separately due to the difference in diet and the risk to the larvae?
- How do you ensure all your larvae are getting enough to eat in this setup?
- In this environment separating larvae would seem to be impossible(?). How do you avoid cannabilism, as descibed in the rearing articles?
- Are newts immune to their own type of toxin (e.g., adults eating eggs/larvae, larval cannabilism, etc)? I am guessing that must be the case... ?
- How much of a risk are well-fed snails to eggs/larvae?
- Am also considering the addition of java moss, though haven't ever grown it and am interested in input on this plant. What is the best application for this type of plant in a C.O. habitat? Are there plants that are a better match?
- Terrestrial phase: Has only ever tried to raise terrestrial juveniles in a mixed habitat like this? I assume the easy access to water might be a danger (e.g., drownings, adults mixing with smaller juvs), but was curious about people's thoughts/experiences.
- Do females/males tend to exhibit these traits?
- Would it be likely for her offspring to have this excellent disposition?
- Was I lucky? I feel pretty fortunate, even give the good-nature reputation of these newts.
- Was the mixed gender an advantage in the success of these tankmates?
- Do I need to be concerned about monitoring the smaller gray as he grows (i.e., since he is so small the mid-sized male doesn't seem to be bothered by him, but is this likely to change)? I would not hesitate to separate them if a problem were to arise.
- If the smallest newt is also a male, what is the likelihood of male-to-male aggression increasing as the smaller male matures? Is this more of a concern during breeding season/conditions?
- Is it possible my smallest newt was raised aquatic post-morph, rather than going terrestrial? He was awfully small, but is growing nicely and eats well.
- Any ideas while the larger male spends more time cruising the bottom of the tank? Is there any behavior I should be looking out for (signs of discontentment, etc)?
- Is this a sure sign, or could it be from better care/diet as a juvenile or possibly genetic? Or, as I lack another newt of similar color for comparison, is this common for the grays to have more yellow tones?
- How common are the gray and mottled brown colored C.O.s? What color(s) are the offspring likely to be? I assume these two questions are related?
- The smallest newt is sort of off-color (not ash-gray, but not the classic coloring either). Will his color change more as he matures? He has lots of dark speckles on his legs already.
- I see that most people don't have good luck feeding the larvae anything but live food, at least at the onset. How much food should I have on-hand for a small batch of larvae (under 10)?
- Has anyone noted increased aggression in their live-feed C.O. adults? For some reason, I have it in my mind that this could be an issue.
- Is it safe to assume wild-caught foods aren't a good idea? I'm not much of a bug-person, but I do realize Alaska is quite a bit different than China, for example.
I assume there would be some risk?
Well, thanks a ton for taking the time to read all of this. I'll probably have a lot more questions, but I thought this was plenty to start with (don't want to use up all of the goodwill of the community with the first post).
:smile: Julie