Breeding Bufo viridis


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Apr 4, 2010
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I have 1:1 Bufo viridis. They have been in hibernation since November. They should be wakening up any day now and becoming more active. I am hoping to breed them, I am not sure if 1:1 will be enough to stimulate them to breed?

Has anybody bred them in the past?

I have heard they like it warm to spawn. I am thinking of building a pond in my greenhouse for them.

I would be very interested to hear from people that have had success with this species and any advise would be greatly appreciated.
go onto page 4 of these threads.and look at an old post bufo viridis breeding tips needed, started by me morg.
Theres a link on there to bufo de vu website.
Check that out as it has articles on captive breeding of a lot of bufo toads including viridis
Oh, I didn't know that. I assumed he had bred them. My mistake.
Oh, I didn't know that. I assumed he had bred them. My mistake.

You're not mistaken, Paul certainly has bred viridis plenty of times in the past, and I expect he will this summer too. I've bred them consecutively for many years, and expect to this summer as well (all being well!). Shallow, warm water in full sun is your friend - they're not difficult to breed.
You're not mistaken, Paul certainly has bred viridis plenty of times in the past, and I expect he will this summer too. I've bred them consecutively for many years, and expect to this summer as well (all being well!). Shallow, warm water in full sun is your friend - they're not difficult to breed.

From my understanding Paul is downsizing his collection, so is selling at least some of his Viridis. Though he may well have others he is keeping back for breeding.
Putting them in a large aquarium with shallowish water and either heating the water or using a lamp above (as mentioned on RFUK) seems like a simple enough way to breed them. However, the normal period of migration may play a part in breeding but who am I to comment?! I've never bred them!

Best of luck.
Thank you all for your replies.

This is the enclosure in the greenhouse. It is 4' x 2'.

The water is 1' x 2' and approx 8" deep.


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My viridis are up and about now, and although temperatures are cool tonight there's a few males and very fat females in their pool this evening. It's far too cold for them to breed currently, but I'll expect them to start spawning from around 8 weeks time if the weather is favourable enough.
You'll need to be cautious with your sources, as E.viridis is now split not only into multiple species which normally do not interbreed, but at least one additional species which is in another genus. Mismatches could render any successful triggers moot. Assuming yours are not mismatched, I hope you find the right triggers with the suggestions above!
i also have a huge B virides female,found a male,this summer nothing happened!!
should there be more??at what age do they spawn??
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