Hello again all, last you heard I culled the eggs from Milo and Ernie's grand affair, but little did we know that one wasn't found until a week later and now we have a baby, who is doing very well and is a gorgeous little tyke. My problem is with Milo, the mother. It's been almost 4 weeks and in the past couple days I've noticed an odd growth coming out of her privates. It's like a mucus ball that can be pulled slightly away from her body with light sucking from a turkey baster, but I don't want to hurt her by pulling too hard to try and sever it. When I let go the ball bounces back into place. Do you think that she got a hernia from giving birth (and if so, why didn't appear so prominently right after birthing)? Or is this the last of some bad eggs that got lost in her system? I've watched the tank religiously and haven't seen any spermatophores, and it's in a ball, not cone shape, so I don't think it's that... anyway here are some pictures, excuse my long windedness.
And here is one of the baby, to end on a happier note:
And here is one of the baby, to end on a happier note: