Dear colleagues!
Approximately 15% (according to my long observations over Russian terrariumists) of the keepers anyhow are breeders of tailed amphibians. But the culture of amphibians eventually comes to the selection work (in spite of the fact that the selection work is difficult and risky).
In my cuadata-collection several species of newts breed from time to time. But newts of Cynops orientalis spawn all the year round. Their larvae are very tenacious of life and juveniles attain the majority in one and a half year. By nature I am selectionist-breeder and I chose 3 directions in my selection work: silver, yellow and “maximus” Cynops orientalis. But the results of my selection work don’t allow me to boast now… There are two cases of appearance of albinos in 2004 and 2005 but they were weak and died.
I have written this message for the clarification of 2 questions:
1) Who from caudata-breeders has selection work (how long, what species, directions of selection, photos of generation after generation, final result etc). I decided to create an information-coordination database in the Internet for the selectionists-breeders and now I try to understand the importance of this topic.
2) I know that some from you are biologists, ecologists, veterinaries, chemists etc by profession. So I would like to get information from you about methods of influence upon mutation of newts.
Approximately 15% (according to my long observations over Russian terrariumists) of the keepers anyhow are breeders of tailed amphibians. But the culture of amphibians eventually comes to the selection work (in spite of the fact that the selection work is difficult and risky).
In my cuadata-collection several species of newts breed from time to time. But newts of Cynops orientalis spawn all the year round. Their larvae are very tenacious of life and juveniles attain the majority in one and a half year. By nature I am selectionist-breeder and I chose 3 directions in my selection work: silver, yellow and “maximus” Cynops orientalis. But the results of my selection work don’t allow me to boast now… There are two cases of appearance of albinos in 2004 and 2005 but they were weak and died.
I have written this message for the clarification of 2 questions:
1) Who from caudata-breeders has selection work (how long, what species, directions of selection, photos of generation after generation, final result etc). I decided to create an information-coordination database in the Internet for the selectionists-breeders and now I try to understand the importance of this topic.
2) I know that some from you are biologists, ecologists, veterinaries, chemists etc by profession. So I would like to get information from you about methods of influence upon mutation of newts.