Bombina orientalis- Cloudy Eyes



One of my Bombina orientalis has cloudy eyes, with one more clouded than the other. I'm thinking this is a bacterial infection, and will start on medication later today. Does anyone have any suggestions as to the medication I should use? I was thinking tetracycline. Here are some pics:



(By the way, should we have a Help Section in the Anura and Gymnophiona sections, or should we post help for them here?)
Dear all,
Although i realize this is an extremely old thread i was hoping someone would still be able to give advice on this matter.

A few days ago i took over some frogs from their previous owner and afterwards i discovered one of them has the same eye condition as mentioned here, but only on one eye.

There are more threads on different forums where people talk about cloudy eyes on fire bellies but it seems to me there are multiple forms of cloudy eyes that might be completely unrelated cases. For example in some cases the eyes look completely white whereas on the photos in the previous post the eye looks rather swollen and only slightly milky. This is also the case with my toad. It almost looks like there's a bubble over the eye if that makes any sense.

I would be very happy to hear other peoples experiences in solving this matter, maybe even from the original poster if he is still active on this forum?
Thanks in advance!
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