Blotched Tigers With Barred Tigers!?!?!/


New member
Dec 6, 2010
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Southern Ontario
Hi, I currently own two large Blotched Tiger Salamanders(12-14 inches) and two semi-adult Barred Tiger Salamanders(7-9 inches). They are currently kept in seperate setups, but I would like to one day, put both the Blotched and Barred Tigers together in a large 40gallon setup when the Barred salamanders have grown to full size.

When I feed my Tiger Salamanders I place all four of them in a small 10 Gallon tank and then drop in varying sizes or crickets, trout worms and butter worms. I do this for two reasons. a) Because it gives them a chance to hunt and go after their food versus me just putting it in their mouths with tongs and b) as a way to see if they would act aggressive towards one another during feeding. I always do this while supervising closely and I have never once seen any act of aggression between any of the salamanders. Sure they have gone for the same cricket before, but one animal gets it and the other one moves on. No foul.

Anyways...all this being said I have a number of questions:
- Is it possible to keep the Blotched with the Barred without any ill effects on the animals???
- If the Barred Salamanders never get quite as large as the Blotched Salamanders could the size difference become an issue???
- Due to their general laziness and lack of activity could I possibly keep all four of the animals together in a setup smaller then 40 gallons???

Let me know what you all think. Thanks.

I don't see any issues you should have with putting together separate subspecies, especially since there's no chance of interbreeding with tiger salamanders.

As far as aggression, I had two adult eastern tiger sals, one about 8 inches, one about 10, and a juvenile, who was about 5 inches. I was hesitant to put the little one in with the bigger ones, but tried it and had no problems. The little one seems to be growing faster in the bigger cage as well.

I keep those 3 in a 20 long. But I think a 40 would be better. The biggest one I have often bullies her way into whatever burrow is 'flavor of the month', and kicks the other ones out. So the more space you have, the better their burrowing options are.
Thank you so much for answering my questions...I really hope to get them all into one setup and save some space sometime soon.
I keep Blotched, Barred and Grays together and have never experienced problems. Also keep Blotched and Easterns together in a different tank. The size difference should be alright as long as the larger ones are well fed.
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