


Hi there,

I have these cubes of frozen bloodworms for my axies, however it melts really quickly when they don't eat it soon enough and scatters all over the place, which is quite messy! Do you guys have any techniques for this?
This is the downside of frozen blood worms. It works well with small axolotls, but even so, looses its smell and is less appealing after it has been in the water for a few hours. They have worm feeders (cone shape) but I don't know how well they would be for frozen blood worms (used them with live black worms).

There are easier to deal with foods for your axies. Night crawlers, worms, pellet foods, beef heart strips, etc. I use to use frozen blood worms occasionally for smaller juveniles and larva, but it's too much of a hassle.
sorry, what is a worm feeder? I'm dutch, and not familiar with the term worm feeder
Thanks Morg

No worm feeder for me though, since the worms are frozen
I also have the same problem with the frozen blood worms. So I dicided to try the worm feeder.I phoned the local pet store near by, they said they dont sell the worm feeders any more because of possible bacteria on the worms. What should i do?
I've found this solution in the meantime:

Use only the top part of the worm feeder, stick it at the water surface, now drop a cubicle of frozen bloodworm in the ring, this way it won't flow away and scatter all over your tank.

Underneath the feeder, place a small dish on which the melted bloodworm will fall, this way the newts can easily grab it and it won't clutter your substrate as much.
one idea i like to use is melting the bloodworms into a bowl. That way they will feel the movement of the melting as i shake it. They axie then goes over to the bowl looks in there and eats it. Another idea i do is when the bloodworms are in the bowl i put pellets on or under the worms that way if they don't eat pellets, they don't know they're eating it. :)
I chop the ice into 3 bits and put the first in if he eats it all ill put the second in and then if he dunt eat it all less to clean up :)
Our axie loves frozen bloodworm. We defrost it in a tupperware tub then add enough tank water to cover her and pop her in there for an hour or so. There's never much left after that long!!
Hi there,

I have these cubes of frozen bloodworms for my axies, however it melts really quickly when they don't eat it soon enough and scatters all over the place, which is quite messy! Do you guys have any techniques for this?
I have a glass petri dish in my aquarium. I defrost the blood worms in some tank water and use a plastic tube to guide the worms into the dish, my axolotls have learnt that when the tube comes in its feed time. Any left over food is very easy to the vacume up. I only use hikari brand blood worms, as I find they don't break apart or discolor and fowl the water
little baby (human) food "jar,cup" (clear glass) turned on its side. doing great with my axo not messing up with the food.


I did what AxoRcist suggested and it worked well ! :p



I have to agree with Al Cadavero try to use earth worms for your Aquatic friends they are a complete diet and are far easier to deal with than blood worms they are free just collect from the garden. I fact i use them to feed to almost every animal I keep from Fish, to crabs to newts and Chameleons, For more on feeding using worms check out my post.“tasty”_Earth_Worms.html
Well we (chelsbels) and myself have a different approach.
Some may not agree with our approach but it works for us.

In order to keep our water from not fouling up, we choose to feed our axolotls in a large tupper ware container. It also stops fighting at feed time as we have 3 of them in the one tank.
We find this method the best, its quick too !
Actually our 3 axolotls are so use to it that when they see the tupper ware container being put in the tank to be filled with water, they know it's time for food ! They all come to the surface and move around waiting their turn. We dont really have to catch them much either, most of the time they will swim into the net now.
If you have found a way of feeding them that works for you thats good, but please be careful with using nets for axolotls. Make sure they are the very very fine mesh so that the gills don't become entangled.
My axies love blood worm and all i have to do is hold it under water until a few worms fall off and then i feed it to them whole.
In summary of many previous observation, I have noticed that frozen bloodworm feeding always induce a much faster growth of Algae. I have tried two different sources of bloodworm and still the same. I have even rinsed the bloodworm with water thoroughly.

However, frozen bloodworm is probably the best alternative for my newts during the winter time when Earthworms are not available.
I did what AxoRcist suggested and it worked well ! :p
I think your idea for feeding your axies is excellant and I'm gonna give that a try, we have always hand fed ours holding the frozen bloodworms in tweezers x.x
Has anyone ever tried the Tetra fresh delica bloodworms that are in in a jelly, (you get about 16 sachets),?
I wouldn't like to give them something that would harm them.
We are novices at looking after axies, but we're trying to read as much as possible and this web site is brilliant ^_^

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But how do you feed the baby axie when you have just grown them from brine shrimp and now they have their back feet and its time to feed bloodworms? Do you break off part of the cubes and put that in their water?
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