Aaron, surprised to see you have the same brand over there! Yep, this is Hikari "clean" series of vitamin-fortified bloodworm. The worms are said to be raised in a chemical-free environment at a nature preserve in China, and are put through a 3-step process to kill off any harmful bacteria.
They retail here for 500 yen (around $4.25) for per 100-gram, 32-cube sheet. But I buy them in bulk so they cost me 3,800 yen for 18 sheets, bringing the per-unit price down to only 210 yen ($1.80)!
I actually go through one sheet...daily!
I recently bought the mysis to try it out on my unidentified Paramesotriton, but they didn't go for it. I haven't tried it with my Cynops yet though.