Bloated P.waltl


May 7, 2007
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Medford, OR
United States
Display Name
Justin Elkins
I've had excellent luck with this species. However, unfortunatley, one of my largest females swelled like a balloon this past week and I felt really helpless in remedying the situation. Anyone else ever go through this with this species? I'm hoping someone had better luck turning things around.
Re: Bloated

I don't have anything really to offer but here is a thread of someone that had a similar problem, maybe there is something in it that could help you.
Re: Bloated

That was my thread - it was my largest female who had always been huge (I was new to the species when I got her and was told that her size was normal for a female ribbed newt). But 2 weeks before I put her down, she expanded even more! Took her to a reptile vet who had a feel and look over her, but couldn't find anything, so prescribed some antibiotics (ceftazidime). This didn't help and she just got bigger, so I put to sleep using clove oil (couldn't got hold of benzocaine anywhere! Even the vet wouldn't sell me any!).

I still don't know what was wrong, but am ruling out bacterial or viral infection as the antibiotics had no effect (could be bacterial or viral if your female has rapidly bloated??). It may be that there was kidney damage or was stress initiated - she came from a rescue centre, so her history remains unknown.

I'm sorry to hear that it's happening to one of your females and really wish I had an answer for both of us! Please keep us updated on your girl!
Re: Bloated

In my opinion, this article is worth it`s weight in gold to any caudate keeper.

The amphibian ringer at the end worked for me, but every case is different. It is not an over-night fix, takes some time. I had a male alpestris get extremely bloated. I had him in the ringer solution for about 3 weeks before he was able to start eating, then a week after that he got his normal body back. I had him for about another 3 yrs afterwards.
Re: Bloated

Chris: did you keep your male in the solution constantly? the article doesn't describe the method of using the solution and I'm interested to know what the process is (just in case!). also, did your male lose his appetite? my girl was still eating like a pig, right up to the end! did you get the vet to do a bacterial culture?
Yes, I kept him in the solution canstantly in a shallow tupperware container to minimize the chance of drowning. I changed the solution on a daily basis. He was so swollen theat he couldn`t close his mouth all the way, so he was unable to eat even if he wanted to. I didn`t take him to the vet, no one locally that I know of that deals with herps.
Try with some Deflamon flebo in the water, with mine it worked well with this problem!
It seems to be a female's patology, and it seems as they start to grow up in volume as they are filled up with some sort of fluid....
I think it's a protozoo overload, cause the medicine worked well.
Deflamon flebo = metronidazole
In a case of protozoan overload, this would work. But bloat can have other causes, which is why it's impossible to recommend a particular treatment. The Ringers solution should "stabilize" the animal's fluid levels, and in some cases that's enough to allow the animal's own immune system to bring them back to normal. So I would say that this would be a safe first-line treatment, in the absence of any other info about what's causing the bloating.
Deflamon flebo = metronidazole
In a case of protozoan overload, this would work. But bloat can have other causes, which is why it's impossible to recommend a particular treatment. The Ringers solution should "stabilize" the animal's fluid levels, and in some cases that's enough to allow the animal's own immune system to bring them back to normal. So I would say that this would be a safe first-line treatment, in the absence of any other info about what's causing the bloating.

Hey guys,

I think I might also have a bloated P.waltl. Poor guy :( He seems to just float around like a balloon but does have some mobility. The other newts are very active but I notice he seems to just sit around most of the time. When they swim by him he seems to lose his balance and topple over. Definitely less mobile than before.

In terms of the ringers solution, where do you guys buy the ingredients for this stuff?! I'm assuming you can't just go to your local grocery store... or can you? Or will they sell these items at pharmacies?
Too little too late :( I came home today and found him dead. Looks like he was trying to reach the surface in his last attempts for air but just drowned out. He appeared to have a little bloat but I just thought he was getting bigger. Apparently not. Guess I just wasn't paying close enough attention to him over the course of the week. He seemed completely fine last week though. This sort of took me by surprise :(
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