Thank you for getting back to me, we've just returned home from the vet, she confirmed blood poisoning and administered some antibiotics. She (Freckles) is currently in an antibiotic-infused bath, now should I also think about fridging her at the same time? Also is she in pain and would the colder temperature of the fridge sort of numb that a little while the antibiotics work? She is in 16c water at the moment and I'll change it every 24 hours when I administer the antibiotics. I've tested the parameters of the main tank where my other two lotls are and all seems pretty solid, Nitrates seem a little high however I'll do a 20% water change tomorrow.
PH 7.4-7.6 tested twice on low and high PH
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0.25ppm
Nitrate 20 - 40ppm
I've included pictures below, any further advice would be most welcome, if things don't improve what should be the correct humane course to take, I don't want her to suffer unnecessarily but if there's still hope then I'll see it through with her, the vet would have likely offered euthanasia if she thought there was no hope?
Thank you once again