Illness/Sickness: Bloat, Fat, or Gravid?


Nov 30, 2012
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Katy, Texas
United States
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I'm worried my CFB has bloat. All reading in it's tank seem normal. Attached are some pictures of him/her.



Here is a picture of her setup.
Here is another picture.
I am not sure about this, but to me she looks gravid. If so, Congrats!!!
I've had 2 people say bloat and 2 say gravid. I'm crossing my fingers for gravid.
Has she had any other health problems lately? How long have you had him/her? If she hasn't had any health problems and you've had it for a while, I might change my vote to gravid, although I'm still unsure...
I have had it going on 3 months now. She suffered a bit of stressed behavior when she first arrived with the others, and a few of the others died of sores, but thats about it. She has beenthe biggest eater and quickest to take to the water since then.
Well, it's hard to say. If it is bloat, however, remember that bloat is a symptom, not an illness. She would have some underlying problem causing it.
I would say gravid seems more likely than bloated, but keep an eye on her and see if there are any changes. Has her cloaca changed shape? Have you seen any unusual behaviour like floating, or hanging onto plants in weird positions?
I never really paid much attention to what her cloaca looked like before this so I'm not too sure. She doesn't seem to have any trouble lying on the bottom of the tank to explore or look for food. She has always been fond of sitting near the surface hanging onto plants.
I'd lean toward gravid as well (and maybe a little fat), given that the chest/upper arm area doesn't seem affected.
I just wanted to give an update on this newt's condition.

She was not gravid, nor did she have bloat.

She. Is. A. Pig!!! I didn't feed her for 3 days because of my messed up schedule. On the fourth day I arrived home slightly earlier than usual and I went to scope her out. She had dropped all the weight and was reasonable size. I inspected for any eggs. None.

I fed her and her tankmate some chopped baby earthworm and a bloodworm cube.

She ate it. All of it. By herself. The other newt didn't even have time to look for the food.

So now I feed them separately. . .
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