I've been trying to feed my eastern newts live blackworms, which they seem to like alot but I had an "odd" situation happen. I bought a batch (about a tablespoon) of live blackworms from a local petstore. They appeared healthy, so maybe I'm storing them wrong. I had them in a large beaker of water and I covered the beaker with saran wrap since the worms were crawling up the sides and I didn't need a livingroom full of worms. I punched holes in the top so I'm assuming I wasn't suffocating them. The next day, the water was EXTREMELY foul, very cloudy (even brownish) and the smell was putrid. I poured out the water and replaced it, but a few hours later, it was the same thing. It wasn't a huge quantity of worms, so I really don't know what happened. The next day, it was so bad that I poured the worms out on the ground outside to set free the remaining worms, I couldn't take the smell anymore. Alot of the worms looked dead too. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I'm kind of new to the live food thing but I don't want to give up on blackworms since the newts like them so much. Thanks for any advice.