Biggest lie?

This is the last newt i'm gonna buy
Don't worry, it isn't contagious.
Ah, it's just a little one - it won't hurt at all to take it off!
Interviewer: So, why did you apply for this job?

Me: [Pre-prepared spiel, never mention 'I have bills to pay'].
There's two big lies at once.
Manager:That has to go, That's bigger than a 10 gallon aquarium, The lease states that you can have a 10 gallon aquarium and nothing larger,
Me: It's not an aquarium, There's no fish or water in there, It's a terrarium. All that's in it is soil and plants,
:D :D :D
Wow... now I'm starting to feel like a horrible person 'cause all these biggest lies make my biggest lie look terrible.

My biggest lie is a lie of omission. I still haven't told my dad that I'm not straight.
Yes, Mom, I did my homework :)
You are my first)
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  • mynewtnameddettie:
    Is my newt okay if I poke it? I think I accidentally poked him too hard and I'm worried I hurt him. Help lol
  • Michelle1981:
    Hello, I’m looking for fire bellied newts that will ship to Ontario, Canada. Are there any captive breeders here? I’ve had many in the past and I’m looking to get a pair for my 12 yr old. I will be the care taker!
  • jcjchdjdj:
    What are good worms for axolotls
  • AxieCrazy:
    Hello. I’m looking for some input. My axolotl is about 7 months old. I came home and her gills are completely white. I was reading that they do shed around this age. Could this be why her gills are white? The ph is 6.5-7. Nitrates are 80 Nitrites 0.5
  • AxieCrazy:
    My axolotl’s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple of pellets to see if she would eat. One hit her head and she flipped out. Started darting all around the tank. Temp, ammonia, nitrates are all in range. Anyone know why this is happening? I pu
    AxieCrazy: My axolotl’s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple... +1