Best way to post axie eggs?


Dec 8, 2010
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I'm hoping to find some homes for my surplus eggs so what's the safest way to post them? I've heard they do well in a bottle filled to the brim with water, or in a doublezip lock bag? Does anyone have any experience with this?
I use small food bags to double bag them.
Then i put them in a small but sturdy plastic pot and pad out with newspaper. (you can normally get these pots in bulk from poundland) and into a bubble wrapped envelope!

It normally costs about £2 depending on the size of tub etc

Hope this helps
Thanks for the quick reply! That's what I was planning. Someone else on here mentioned using DVD cases and just putting the eggs in wet tissue paper, but don't they need water?

And what about air in the sealed food bags? How much water do you add? Sorry about all the questions, I just really don't want mess it up!

I have seen/heard of the dvd case method, which i think is a good idea. I have just never tried it.

I tend to just allow whatever water ends up in the bag to go with it. (unless there is too much, and i remove for weight reasons)
I dont leave any air in, i tie right upto the eggs.

Got it. Thanks a lot! Hopefully they'll find some good homes then :)
I've received sal eggs in DVD cases. Just keep the paper towel moist, and put the whole thing in a ziploc bag so it stays moist.

Don't ship them this way if they're more than a week or so developed, or they might hatch on the way in the paper towel!
Dont not do any of those methods! If you send eggs and they become exposed. Your going to piss off the person receiving them if they are out of the original package. Use a gatorade bottle they are thick and tape the top the way you tighten the top. I received eggs from someone in tupperware and double bagged and the package was destroyed with no water and the mail man was pissed at me! The eggs still made it i have some little axies about an inch right now, but i was worried and pissed too.
There shouldn't BE any water in the DVD method. It's just moist paper towel, not standing puddles of water. I would NEVER send a tupperware through the mail with water in it. It's not strong enough to withstand the rigors of the mail.
Well I'm going to use small zip-lock bags (I can get loads of them from work) and put just a couple of eggs in each bag with a few drops of water to keep it moist. then I have small plastic boxes which are very rigid and the bags are going in there with more padding and bubble wrap. I think that should do it! I'm curious though, don't the eggs need air? Or do they use so little of it that a couple of days in a sealed bag wouldn't bother them??
Someone else on here mentioned using DVD cases and just putting the eggs in wet tissue paper, but don't they need water?

I've used this method many times for European newt eggs (using plastic petri dishes, not DVD cases). I sandwiched the eggs between several layers of absolutely sodden tissue paper, taped the petri dish shut, and put it in a padded envelope. Never had any problems.

I've received eggs in bags, but never ziploc bags- they've always been folded and sealed with rubber bands (like tropical fish shops do with fish).
I have sent in little plastic tubs. (rigid ones) not take out plastic tubs.
I've sent out about 30 of these altogether in the past and only one person had a problem. But that was to do with them getting lost in the post for a week not due to the packaging.

They dont need any air siona.

Hey I live in Novia scotia.. Do you know anyone who has eggs or can you sell me some through the post! I really want some axies and cannot find them anywhere! Willing to pay a good price for some eggs! Please help haha.. thank you
Hi I have sent quite a few axies and there eggs out. I packed them in plastic bottles with a screw on cap. I like that the bottles can't break open and leak like a plastic bag or a container with a snap on lid that can pop open. It has been tested .
I found it's best not to fill the bottle to the brim and leave some air in the bottle roughly 1/3 air. Then I wrap the bottle in insulation and box up . Also the key is to not use the slow mailing service so the axies don't go through so many temperature changes.
I found the method that worked best for me was putting the eggs in a small ziplock bag, putting that in a larger bag filled with air, then putting the whole lot in a rigid plastic box lined with tissues so they don't get knocked about. It meant it was secure and nice and light to post!

Sorry puppies1234 - wish I could help!
Hey I live in Novia scotia.. Do you know anyone who has eggs or can you sell me some through the post! I really want some axies and cannot find them anywhere! Willing to pay a good price for some eggs! Please help haha.. thank you

i'm in the same boat man.

check out the For Sale, Give-Away or Trade threads.

in the coming months as spring rolls around there should be a lot of new births.

also you'll have to find someone from Canada because no one is going to ship axies out side of there country.

good luck
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