Best substrate?


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Sep 9, 2012
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Melbourne, Australia
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Hi all, I've recently started planting out my tank. I'd just like to know what everyone thinks is the best substrate to promote plant growth? Preferably something I can mix in with the sand.
laterite clay and some garden soil, go generic. this below your layer of sand. peet moss mixed in along with some very well composted steer manure (commercially bought) this is how mine is set up. 1.5 inches deep with another 1.5 inches of sand on top. plants will shoot there roots into it. I also mixed in calcium carbonate (oyster shells used for chicken feed) this setup takes the longest, I had my dirt mix sit in water for nearly a month before plants were added.

plants will also grow in just the sand, just not as well for the heavy root feeders like jungle val and amazon swords etc... I also understand you can use just a layer of laterite clay under the sand.
should be the best, what you need to avoid is things like miracle grow so organic would be good. mix in some course sand, laterite, even ecocomplete, more the merrier on variety's in the mix. then cap with sand or maybe even large enough stones with very fine layer of sand, that could be cool and help with keeping axie from uprooting plants.
So i plan on doing them in pots so ill have the layer of potting mix, maybe some florabase if i can get my hands on it, some sand then a layer or pre cut fly screen mesh, followed by large stones
I was about to ask this question!!

I got some large plants from a clients tank. I mentioned how nice they looked and he gave me some new shoots.
They are very tall and thick plants, my two don't have a chance in destroying these!!
I have no idea what the plants are called tho.

So organic topsoil is safe to be in the tank?

Wont harm the axolotls??
Im just making sure :p lol
The only thing I have read about the potting soil is to check your water quality often as the potting soil can change the water quality, almost like cycleing the tank.
You will want to have the mix in your tank wet for as long as u can stand, mixing it up from time to time to allow it to mineralise. I waited a month before adding my axie.

You can skip this but will need to watch those parameters as stated above,

How do u intend on planting thru the screen? Mine is just a heavy layer of sand on top, workz well, and only sligbtly messy when I move plants around, but easy to cleanup afterwards anyways.

Lots of easy plants are not even heavy root feeders, in fact javaferns can not be burried at all, swords and jungle val however are root feeders.

I want to see pics when its done!
Well there's my theory, you know how you like cut the circle where the plant goes and yes, i have amazon swords :) hopefully it will work....
No that will work just fine, I add plants too much so I couldnt do it that way.
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