Best plants for axie tanks?


New member
Jul 22, 2010
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Hey guys
Just about to set mine up so was wondering what the best plants are for the tanks?
I am guessing low light plants that live in cold water. I can get low light but not sure about the cold water??

Also would deep rooting plants be best so that they do not get derooted by berrying axies?

And im guessing mosses aswell.
Well, they need to be very hardy!!!

Lots of people, myself inclluded, put them in cups, or pots, inside the tank so they don't get destroyed, I suggest investing in an esspresso cup..:rolleyes:
Some people have success with Java moss, java fern, camboda and some sword type grassy things.

I personally have had success with elodea, i have no fertilisers no lights i leave it floating in my youngsters tanks but in my bigger tank its rooted and it seems to be withstanding :D
I have Ambulia and a Java Fern in my axolotl tank which seem to be growing very well! The Ambulia is a little light hungry so I've just moved it closest to the lamp and it's doing fine.

Also, hornwort/foxtail (floating) is meant to be very good in various conditions and grows like a weed in my boyfriends tank!
I found most of my information on this site: Aquarium Plants Photos & Profiles at the Age of Aquariums - Tropical Fish

Or you can just ask your pet shop/where ever which of their plants are 'pond plants' as most of these live well in axolotl conditions.

Oh and as for keeping them in the substrate, as the others said definitely pot them! I found with my Ambulia and other stem plants that have short roots you can remove some of the lower leaves so you can plant the stem in deeper (most of the lower leaves will shred naturally anyway as the light doesn't reach them).

Hope this helps!
thanks guys, but instead of potting them i have seen a good DIY project where you get a bit of gutter gaurd and hot glue gun it to make a basket and put plants in there, i would chuck a couple dino dung pellets in there for the nutrients for the plants :D I was thinking some large java ferns and swords would look good :) Also have had success before with viagra val so i will go that again.

Will try with mosses but if they don't really work i dont really mind ill find some other things to put in there :D

thanks guys
STOP!!!!! Don't hot glue gun anything that goes in your tank! I work at an art shop and the hot glue gun sticks are toxic - that's why little kid's arent allowed to handle them in case they put them in their mouths.

Sorry. Had a heart attack when I read that. :eek:
oh really, i did not no that. I had not done it myself but just have seen it in another forum and thought it was a good idea, maybe zipties instead :p But i think that the gattergaurd is a good idea. But will have to make sure that the ends are rounded off and not sharp at all to protect axies :D
Zip-ties would work :p Or you could try soft string?
just spoke to a local aquaponics guy and he suggested aponogetons, crypts, anubias, mosses, java fern.

So i am going to get stuff from him :p
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