Best place to get tank decorations?


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Jun 29, 2012
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i'm getting an Axolotl soon, and i've been looking for stuff to put in his/her tank so when i buy them, it'll all be there. i have a large tresure chest ornimant that i had for my last Axi who passed away from white spot, or something like it (don't worry, it's been cleaned thouroly (i can't spell XD)). but i have been looking at some pics of people's Axolotls and thier tanks and i have seen some realy cool decorations, like rocks with fake corals and seaweed and stuff like that attached to them and i wanted to get something similar (but smaller becuase the chest takes up a fair bit of room in the tank.), so i went to my pet shop and found what i was looking for, then found the price and nearly fell over. it was nearly $50 for a rock with fake plants only 10cm tall and 20cm long! what a rip off! dose anyone know anywhere where i can get some tank ornimants cheap? a shop in Sydney, or even better, north of Sydney (i travel there heaps, and i'll be in sydney soon, so i don't mind haveing to go there) or online?
Nice to see another Sydneysider!
Some good places that I keep going back to are:
River reef Reptile in Hornsby- their decorations aren't as expensive as that, though not exactly cheap as chips- they also have some lovely driftwood (Real), and some which have been planted out.
CJ Pet Mart in Hornsby- (Yeah, guess where I live :p) been around for SOOOOOO long, really knowledgeable staff and pretty reasonable about prices.

Thomson Landscape supplies, Mt. Kuringai- Down Beaumont Rd- these guys do 20kg bags of BIG (like, 20-30cms across) pebbles for $20 (might be less), sand, gravel if you're doing a non-axie tank. Watch out for the big trucks!

The next one, which is brilliant for live plants is a bit more obscure- I can't remember the name of it for the life of me. You go up the Old Pacific Highway, past Mt. Kuringai towards Berowra. Before you hit the turn onto the F3, there's a rickety old driveway on the West side of the road (Going north, on your left), there is a sign so you won't miss it if you're looking for it. Up the top is a house and an amazing water garden with heaps of koi and, more importantly, plants. They do a MASSIVE bag of water plants for $10, and are incredibly dedicated to what they do.

Hope these help!
Hey, I know the prices for things are INCREDIBLE :eek: plants are the same. I found fake logs in Kmart (on sale) for $12. I then got some java moss & tied it to the log until it attached itself. If u can buy some moss, once it gets going u can attach it to anything :D

Every now & then there are some great bargains on eBay - u just have to keep your eye out. Hope u find what something u like :D
Kmart sells fake logs? huh, i didn't even think to look there XD. i'll keep an eye out next time i go in. as for the moss, do you need to get it cleaned and everything if i put it in afew days before the axolotl and let the water setle? i live by a fresh water river and there's tones of moss, or is that not sutible to put in a fish tank?
that age of aquariums seems pretty good, got lots of filters too
CJ pet mart...i think i was in there last year while i was looking for stuff for my fish it was a good shop. Thomson landscape suplies sounds good too. i'll have to cheak it out next time we're around the hornsby area. i'd love to cheak out the plant place, but i don't think the'd survive the trip home (afew hours, even longer if i'm driving beuase i am only alowed to do 80km/ph).
I Have always been a big fan of drift wood. if you hit the lake in the hot hot summer the water level is lower and you can find alot of neat things on the bank. it takes alot of walking (also cleaning up when you get home) but i find the walk to be well worth saving the money. river banks are also good places to find live plants and rocks.
The good thing is the speed limit's 80 along the highway- each of those places you can do in a single round trip (It's less than 5 mins from Thomson's to the water gardens :p Interestingly enough, where I learnt to drive myself :D) in around an hour and a half. Also Bunnings as another thought- they've got piping SO much cheaper than any fish shop, terracotta pots...
Definently hit up Bunnings for piping and pots, any one know a good place to get reasonably priced and nice looking rocks?
i'll definatly cheak bunnings. i never even thought of them XD
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