What all do i need?!?! i was planning originally to get dart frogs but the live food did not go over well with the parents. So now im looking at fire salamanders i know its still live food but earthworms and the occasiional cricket is nothing!
To the Viv! from my dart frog reading i can fit 2 in a 20G(approx: 24"x12"x16") but i wouild believe maybe 3-4 slamanders instead.
Do i need a drainage layer? Terra-lite? gravel?
Substrate divider?
Coco bedding for substrate?
Exotera moss on top?
any water?
Links to construction journals would be great!
BTW im looking at fire slamanders but am always open to suggestions.
My ideal pet,
easy to breed
long lived
eats simple livefood(night crawlers,earthworms)
To the Viv! from my dart frog reading i can fit 2 in a 20G(approx: 24"x12"x16") but i wouild believe maybe 3-4 slamanders instead.
Do i need a drainage layer? Terra-lite? gravel?
Substrate divider?
Coco bedding for substrate?
Exotera moss on top?
any water?
Links to construction journals would be great!
BTW im looking at fire slamanders but am always open to suggestions.
My ideal pet,
easy to breed
long lived
eats simple livefood(night crawlers,earthworms)