Hi Anne, the bamboo can actually just be placed in the sand. the Bamboo, or Dracaena, usually doesn't come planted in soil when you get it from the store. I have never seen it planted before when they sell it like this. It usually comes in cut stalks which are cut at the top so that the stalk won't grow anymore, but the buds will grow and sprout out. It thrives in warmer temperatures, but it also does just fine in cooler temps. What I did was I tied it together with a rubber band, and mounted it in the sand with some rocks around it to keep it in place. Eventually the roots will dig deep into the sand and hold it in place, the rubber bands will rot away, but the rocks should stay in place, or the bamboo might not be sturdy enough in Sand. Didn't advance that far before I decided to change the set-up to other plants. Plastic pots work great, ceramic work great too.