It would be helpful if you knew what species it was that laid the eggs.
If you look at the embryos, you can tell approximately how old they are by where they're at in their development. Eggs that look round or like tacos are quite young, while eggs that look like little salamanders are getting close to hatching.
Generally, most people remove eggs from the tank and rear them separately. Newts aren't the best of parents and are known to eat their own young.
Yes, if captive newts laid eggs it means they are probably happy. How long have they been in captivity (or are they in a pond)?
What to do... really depends on what you want. Is it worth trying to raise them? It's a fair bit of work, and if your parents aren't interested it may be better just to watch them and let them be.
Did you mean your parents showed no interest in them or the eggs' parents didn't seem like they'd be dinner?
If you want to raise them, you'll have far better success separating them. However, it is a lot of work and if they're anything like my Chinese FBNs, they need live microfoods at first - Daphnia, microworms, etc.
When they're about to hatch, you can actually see a well-develped animal, sometimes wriggling around, inside the egg.
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