If you don't have live food locally, it's really a "plan ahead" kind of thing. I'm sure you can mail-order brine shrimp eggs, or start a microworm culture, for your next batch of axies.
The more difficult problem is what to feed the hatchlings you have right now. Outdoor ponds contain a wealth of live food - any ponds there that aren't frozen right now? You can try small amounts of non-live food, and you may be able to get a FEW survivors, if you're lucky - this would be things like soaked pellet bits or chopped frozen bloodworms.
Another option is to put a few of the larvae in the tank with the adult axies. If they avoid being eaten, they will do quite well, because a healthy aquarium is full of natural live food - microscopic life that is too small for us to see, but the larvae can eat it. It may sound crazy, but I'd encourage you to put a few of the larvae in the adult tank, and keep the adults well fed. You might be surprised.