New member
Hi everyone, new here. I have a question, in 3 days my 12 baby axolotls will be 10 weeks old from hatching Date. (With in a day some hatched a day earlier than the rest) they are all doing great and currently sharing a 20g for now (will be moved to a 55g when a bit older and 7 will be rehomed at appropriate age) they were fed live baby brineshrimp and then frozen blood worms and frozen brine shrimp for the last 3 weeks and take them well. I usually feed as much as they can eat in a few minutes, twice a day. I keep the cycled tank clean with daily vacuums to remove waste, and am using a sponge filter. I do 40 percent decloronated with prime water changes every few days and monitor the levels often, they are always perfect ( 0 nitrite,0 ammonia, under 5 nitrate) our water out here is has GH of about 8. I am wondering tho if I am feeding too often as 3 of them although seem healthy and active float on there side often. I fridged the 3 of them at 5°c as I read that helps with constipation and I think that's what might be happening you can see the poop in em. The tank is bare bottom so not sand impaction. Any suggestions would be awesome. Thanks everyone! Oh, the temp is 18°c