kirby the axolotl
New member
I noticed My 3/5 of my new axolotls were floating. Yesterday, after I fed them they started to float. I did a 100% water change and lowered the water in the little plastic containers. I feed them twice a day and started to feed them once a day and each time I feed them I do a 100% change after. I feed them frozen bloodworms and sometimes baby brine shrimp. I feed them by sticking a dropper under the water and squeezing the bbs or bloodworms out. I used to feed them by dropping them above the water and I just changed to the underwater method today because I noticed they might have eaten some air when they dive at the food. Also, are there any mufflers for air stones? One axolotl keeps swimming away from his. That axolotls are roughly 1 month old.