I got given a baby axolotl from a breeder in my local pet shop, he is still very small and this morning I thought he had died, but when I went to change my water before he moved a bit, I don't know why he isn't moving and laying on his back. is it because of the temperature? and how can I tell if he is eating.
I have been dipping brineshrimp with tweezers in his water to feed him, because he is so small, but now im thinking he isn't eating, im new to breeding, and this is the first baby I have ever had, so someone please help me i don't want to loose him or her !
I have been dipping brineshrimp with tweezers in his water to feed him, because he is so small, but now im thinking he isn't eating, im new to breeding, and this is the first baby I have ever had, so someone please help me i don't want to loose him or her !