Baby Axolotl Floating?!


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Oct 24, 2019
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United States
Help! I have a 3 1/2 moth old axie, and shes been floating for at least a few weeks now. I've tried putting her in the fridge for a week or two, but that didnt do anything. I gave her a salt bath, but I'm doing more of those starting today. Anyone know why my baby axie wont stop floating?
I am a reseach junkie, but I have only a couple weeks of care until my belt, so take this with a grain of salt; I would just hate to see your question go unanswered :(

SO! From my research there are a few things that could be going on. The BIGGEST thing you can do to check is just touch him or blow on him to see if he CAN get down himself. If he can, then he is just CHOOSING to float. A lot of the younger ones like to. Additionally if he is super little it might just be that getting to the top for some (extra) air is a hard swim, so floating might just make it easier for him. You can try lowering the water levels, though you dont have to; if you have a HOB (Hang Over Back) filter, lowering the water level is likely to increase the current in the water and that's a no go. My new guy (5-6") would float quite often in the first few days and even now, two weeks later, he likes floating around some times, but is on the bottom\in his cave much more often.

Now if he CANT get down on his own or really has to struggle, then you have an issue. Sometimes the little ones enjoy gulping air and will get an air bubble in their tummy, causing them to float. He could be constipated (watch for a lack of poops\decreased appetite). Both of these things will require fridging with the water level just covering them, so their wee feets can touch the bottom which will reduce stress.

Is there any bloating, floating side ways or upside down?

I expect it is likely the first thing and wont be much of a concern, but let me know!
Ok so here’s the news: He randomly went to the bottom for a few hours, then went back to floating, then sank again, and now he’s floating for the past day. I’m giving him salt baths everyday and I started feeding him live food today. I tried blowing on him and lightly moving him, and he seemed to struggle a bit. He is blowing bubbles often, or that’s what is looks like. But he is pooping, so I don’t think he’s constipated. His gills aren’t curled forward, so I don’t think he’s stressed. And he’s pretty active and can eat a ton! Oh and he is floating sideways and sometimes upside down. I don’t think any bloating.
Well crud. If he is struggling to get down then it isnt just a choice thing. The floating upside down and sideways is also super no good. Upside, eating and pooping are VERY good.

Okay, what are your water parameters? Specifically we need to know your ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and temperature. Regardless of these, I would suggest getting him out of the tank again. Something is causing a serious issue for him. I would suggesting putting him in a container with enough water to cover his back\head, cover that container in a towel, and fridging. Make sure you do 100% daily water changes of his little container and also that you are keeping the replacement water in the fridge as well, declorinated, so there is no shock when you change it. I have never done so myself, but it is what is needed to stop him from floating while you sort out the issue. The fridging will also help with whatever infections he might have, since the cold will power up his axolotl super powers :p

I am betting the issue is something in those parameters, but if fixing those doesnt solve it, you may need a vet :(
Ok so here’s the issue: I’m on vacation right now, and the axolotl is with me. It was too much to ask of someone to come everyday and feed him, get the poop out of the tank, and all. So, I have him in a small travel tank with low water. I don’t know my parameters right now, I’ll have to check when I get home. Also, I fed him last night and he hasn’t pooped yet. He was pooping after meals the day before! How long should I fridge him? I had him in the fridge before for about two weeks.
Now here’s the real deal: He pooped 3 times today!! He hasn’t been floating all day either. Can it be his diet that was causing him to float? Because instead of those dried baby shrimp, I started feeding him live red wigglers. He usually eats one and a half. But he seems to snatch up those way quicker than he did with the baby shrimp.
YAY POOP AND NO FLOAT! *dances* Keep it up!

I dont expect it was his bloodworms except in the amount of ammonia it was likely outputting. And yeaaaah I totally get bringing him with you but the travel tank will make it REALLY hard to keep everything where it needs to be. Your ONLY option is to do 100% daily water changes and you need to make sure his temps stay low. I have read you can keep them fridged for quite a long time.

Yup! They cant resist wiggling food :) Dried baby shrimp are also not going to be good at all.
So, we’ve been in the car a lot driving from place to place, and when the axolotl is floating and he goes in the car, after the ride she is always on the bottom. I think it might be car rides that make him sink or something!
So, we took him to the vet today! He got sedated and got an x-ray. Basically from the x-ray it showed gas in his tummy, so that’s what’s making him float. They gave me medicine to give him, so I’ll do that for five days and see what happens.
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