Even being legal how are you going to get them? Problem here is to obtain them. I guess you would have to search for a few good years to get some and if you do, for some astronomic money quantity. Something around 300 USD each? I guess...
I think that any legally obtained species in this genus would be a worthwhile project for a serious, experienced hobbyist. It is important to be aware that these guys have a poor record in captivity and are often associated with chytrid. With that being said, best of luck to you.
I certainly wouldn't spend money on them. Almost every one ever imported has died within a few months. It disturbs me that they continue to show up as imports and people still buy them.
Yeah that is sad. Just a question but would you keep them like red eyes? Someone just started a thread about them and said he/she kept them basically like red eye tree frogs.
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