How big is your tank ? Once my 10 gallon was established, it only needed one water change a week - and that only took 10 minutes !
10 would be a bit too small for two, and would require more work and be more stressful.
They sell hoses that you can hook up to a faucet to do very easy water changes. If I had a tank bigger than 20 gallons, I'd definitely want one instead of hauling buckets.
If you get a turkey baster, it's *super* easy to clean up their poop. And if you don't have live plants, that's really all you have to clean ! I feed mine earthworms, blackworms, and pellets - and all leave virtually no mess in the tank. If you get the appropriate carnivore pellets, you can feed them that exclusively.
I feel like my axolotl is easier than my guppies, because their food is so messy and it gets all over and they don't leave easy-to-remove poops.
Before I had live plants, I really only needed to feed her daily and water change once a week. The live plants are just a bit messier, so I have to tidy them up a bit when I feed her.
It's okay if it's too much for you right now. I remember it took me a while to stop feeling nervous that I was doing everything wrong. And I just got a bearded dragon, so I'm going through that all over again.
This forum is great, though - without it I don't know what I would have done.