Hey all
I've gone through the excellent website attached to this forum and I think I have a grasp of the basics now. I'm planning on keeping a single Axolotl, maybe a pair (breeding?) in a Rio180 with an Ehiem ProII keeping things nice and tidy.
Thing is..
I've kept fish for several years (everything from Discus to Guppies
) and I love my planted tanks.
My last setup (Rio180 I now want to use for the Axolotls) employed a pressurized CO2 system and 120watts of T8 lighting. From what I've understood this would be a no full stop? but what about something not quite as mad but still quite heavily planted with hardier plants like Java ferns/moss, Amazon Swords and Anubus type plants?
Also how mad can I go on substrate decor, are plenty of caves and surfaces of various levels gonna work well or do I really need plenty of flat even space?
Sorry for the long post
and thanks in advance.
I've gone through the excellent website attached to this forum and I think I have a grasp of the basics now. I'm planning on keeping a single Axolotl, maybe a pair (breeding?) in a Rio180 with an Ehiem ProII keeping things nice and tidy.
Thing is..
My last setup (Rio180 I now want to use for the Axolotls) employed a pressurized CO2 system and 120watts of T8 lighting. From what I've understood this would be a no full stop? but what about something not quite as mad but still quite heavily planted with hardier plants like Java ferns/moss, Amazon Swords and Anubus type plants?
Also how mad can I go on substrate decor, are plenty of caves and surfaces of various levels gonna work well or do I really need plenty of flat even space?
Sorry for the long post