Axolotl tank too cold for Nymphaea cerulea?


New member
Mar 23, 2017
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Cincinnati, Ohio
United States
My tank bounces from 60-63F all year and gets about 12 hours of non-harsh light everyday. I also use tetra "plant food" and API CO2 in all my tanks to ensure the plants thrive. My tank is fairly densely planted, and the other plants seem to be doing really well.

Anyway, I love lotus tea and lotus flowers in general (especially Nymphaea cerulea), and on a whim decided to order some seeds online. They seemed to be doing really well when they first started growing, and still are I think, but now some of the stems are turning brown? It almost looks like they are getting woody, and they aren't turning brown from the ends of the stems and then going inward like I'm used to seeing with other wilting plants. They've been in the tank from approximately 2 months, and I just noticed some more shoots sprouting up today. Are the browning stems something I should prune, or should I not worry about them at all? Thanks.
My tank bounces from 60-63F all year and gets about 12 hours of non-harsh light everyday. I also use tetra "plant food" and API CO2 in all my tanks to ensure the plants thrive. My tank is fairly densely planted, and the other plants seem to be doing really well.

Anyway, I love lotus tea and lotus flowers in general (especially Nymphaea cerulea), and on a whim decided to order some seeds online. They seemed to be doing really well when they first started growing, and still are I think, but now some of the stems are turning brown? It almost looks like they are getting woody, and they aren't turning brown from the ends of the stems and then going inward like I'm used to seeing with other wilting plants. They've been in the tank from approximately 2 months, and I just noticed some more shoots sprouting up today. Are the browning stems something I should prune, or should I not worry about them at all? Thanks.

Decided I should I add some photos. The long, slender stalks are the stems of the Nymphaea cerulea. I pruned one last week and it was definitely dying. I've been trying to find more info on cultivating lotus, but haven't had a ton of luck regarding specific temperature information. Any other/better places I could post this question?
I'm not an expert in aquatic plants, but I think some plants (like lavender, for instance) do tend to get woody during the winter, or when it has grown to its maturity, and I think you should be fine.
A tropical water lily needs lots of high intensity light and warm water. You might get them to live in an aquarium but they will not thrive. The common name for N. cerula is blue lotus. It is not a lotus it is a water lily.
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1