Axolotl issues


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May 30, 2023
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United States
Ive noticed some light coloration on the gills of my axi and was wondering if this was fungus


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I think it’s not fungus, but I’m not sure. If it’s a bit white/grey on the top of the gills, then it’s just the gills growing. But if it’s everywhere then it might be fungus. Tho, I don’t think it is since fungus is very cloudy and like cotton. If you could make screenshots of the gills without flash and maybe a bit more closer, then I think I could tell you. But I don’t recommend doing anything before someone texts you, since it might be just something else.
mbe a front on view pls? Also what are your paramaters. the image is a bit hard to see :)
i hope these are better pictures, but thr water parameters are optimal for the axolotls via the forms.


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Hmmmm, Im not sure about fungus since im not seeing any white balls or anything:). The only problem im seeing is that his gill filaments are looking a bit rough.
although you say the conditions are optimal via the forms, what are they ie.. temperature, ph, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, kh and gh if possible.
your axolotls gills are damaged so there is an issue.
add 2g/l non-iodised salt to the tank water.
the levels in the tank are optimal with the ph being between 7.4-7.8 and both the nitrates and nitrates being close to zero. Both the kh and gh are fine with around 7 dkh and 125.3ppm of gh
what is the ammonia? very important to test.
there should be zero nitrites (not even a trace)
there should be some nitrate (nitrates are removed via water changes, plants, special media or rectors).
the kh at 7° is good ideal is 3°-8°but the gh is low at around 7° ideal 7°-14°
please test using liquid tests for accuracy.
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