Axolotl hibernating??


New member
Apr 17, 2016
Reaction score
South Australia
I'm unsure what's happening with my male axie, I've put a different hide in the tank and for the past week he hasn't come out! Before putting the hide in both Axies would be out interacting, hiding under plants, would swim around etc. now the male just stays in the hide. Pops his head out a little to be fed and goes back in. Is this normal behaviour or should I be looking for other causes for the behaviour? Thanks
Re: Axolotyl hibernating??

Is he healthy and eating? Is he getting along with the tank mate or being bullied? I've not heard of an axolotl hibernating as such, being inactive due to cold water maybe. I'm sure in the wild this is perfectly normal behaviour to reduce predation and/or to increase the likelihood of ambushing prey. If you're not happy because you never see him, then take the hide out away. You could place other items in the tank to provide for environmental enrichment. Please let us know how you get on.
Re: Axolotyl hibernating??

I have one that does this as well, and in my experience it's normal. Just means that he/she has found a place they like and feel safe in. I wouldn't worry about it too much if he/she is still eating. :)
Re: Axolotyl hibernating??

He is eating fine and today both Axies are in there together. They have been out and about also today too so I think he just likes this hide better. Water temp could be a possibility also as it's been quite cold here during the night but I've been logging water temps so I can control it more
Re: Axolotyl hibernating??

Hello Carlz,

It's great he's found a hide he likes. I have an axxie who does the same - he's either in the hide or under the log he has.

Just a question: could it be to do with the amount of light near the tank?

I don't use aquarium lights but the axxie that hides is at the other side of the room to the window. As a result, he gets a lot of natural light (but not direct sunlight). I counter this by using towels and pillowcases to block out some of the light, since axxies don't have eyelids. The bigger tank with four axxies in is to the side and gets less light. They still have hides and towels but just don't hide as much.

He's probably fine and has just found somewhere he likes, but if you notice he's in quite a light-strewn area towels or pillowcases might prove beneficial.
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