Axolotl Help


New member
Sep 6, 2011
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United States
I'm getting an axolotl soon, my mom wont let me use my 55 or 30 gallon tanks cause we're moving next summer/spring. So im gunna keep it in her tank witch is either 55 or 75 gal, its wall mounted and has 3 fish in it a small tinfoil barb (2 inches) a goldfish (3 inches) and some japanese algea eaters (1-2 inch) i think the one im getting is 2-3 inches, meybe 4-5 inches but im not sure. First off will they go well together? and would it be worth it to give it a makeover and put in sand, gut it out and clean it, blah blah blah or wait cause when we move i can keep it in my tank,
Hey first of all you should have a look at this site
Caudata Culture Articles - Species Mixing Disasters
Axolotls don't mix well with any other types of fish or creatures the only thing recommended to be in a tank with axolotls is another axolotls, guppy's or cherry shrimp, but even then guppy's can nip at their gills and cause some problems.
All fish will nip at the axolotls gill's and the axolotl will snap at the fish and most likely eat it.
Secondly.. what does the tank have in it? and yes of course you should clean it out and set it up correctly before acquiring your new pet.
For axolotls sand is best. Gravel MUST be removed and so does anything else smaller than the Axolotls head.
Another question, How big is the axolotls going to be? If its a small {Juvenile} axolotl it wont need sand as sand can cause problems to smaller axolotls, and it will require bare bottom substrate.
Another good site to look over is my care sheet for new axolotl owners
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I would either set the other tank up, or prolong getting the axolotl. Mixing species is not advised at all. Not only that, but aren't tinfoil barb's tropical fish? That would mean you would need much warmer temperatures than axolotls can survive in. I highly advise not sticking the axolotl in the tank with fish that can/will attack your axolotls gills, and have a different temp range.
Yes barbs are tropical and pretty nippy. When i was more ignorant with fish keeping, i put barbs in with a goldfish...eventually the goldfish died because the barbs (much smaller) nipped the fins off and stressed it to death :( and rather quickly!

i'm sorry goldfish! i was a dumb dumb kid

It will for sure nip the axie gills :(
If you look around, there are some graphic pictures of an axolotl attempting to eat a barb, and the barbs fins then sticking out through the axolotl's face. That would be motivation enough for me not to put them together, even if you didn't follow any of the other solid advice on this thread.
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