Axolotl Gill Fungus?


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Jan 14, 2016
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United States
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I've had my little guy for around a month now an he's about 7 months old. He's had a slight gill deformity since I got him, one side of one gill always seemed absent of filaments, but the breeder did not mention any medical issue and I assumed it was benign as he's seemed relatively happy. Today however I've noticed the problem area appears to be developing a light cottony growth I believe may be fungus. The temperature in his water is low, any recommendations on what to do or how to approach this problem? I've attached photos of his gills before and after the growth became apparent.


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Fungus usually appears due to poor water quality.

Do you test your water for Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates, and PH?

Are you aware of the Nitrogen cycle?

Sorry for the late response!
Yes I've been doing water changes and maintainence, checking levels etc. I've been giving him salt baths and it seems to be working. I believe the fungus was actually beginning to develop before he was sent to me, as even in an early photo from the breeder you can see that his gill seems to be missing filaments where the fungus developed.
Whats are your test results for Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrates?

If there was damage to the Fimbriae then that would explain the fungus growing on that spot.

when there is a breach in the Axolotls slime coat, or any physical damage, water quality is what usually causes the fungus.

If the fungus is minor then salt baths are not recommended since they are highly irritating to the skin. Normally you just need good water quality and then the Axolotl fights the fungus of its self. I always use a cotton bud to try and gently dislodge the ball of fungus, allowing faster healing.
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    SkudulfXD: Hello!!! I'm new to this website and idk how to ask a proper question on the designated spot... +1